Urinary Incontinence

Women's Clinic of the Rio Grande Valley
Gynecology & Obstetrics located in McAllen, TX & Edinburg, TX
Urinary incontinence is more common than many women believe, but it’s something that isn’t often openly discussed. At Women's Clinic of the Rio Grande Valley in McAllen and Edinburg, Texas, Fernando Otero, MD, offers comprehensive diagnostic and treatment services for urinary incontinence. There’s no need to live with the inconvenience and embarrassment of incontinence when there are safe and effective treatments available. Book a visit online or by phone to get started on a path toward improved bladder control.
Urinary Incontinence Q & A
What is urinary incontinence?
Urinary incontinence is a loss of bladder control, and it’s a problem that affects many women. There are different types of incontinence and various treatment paths.
Stress incontinence
This form of incontinence is marked by urine leakage when your bladder is under pressure, such as during laughing, coughing, exercising, or even lifting a heavy object.
Urge incontinence
This type of incontinence creates a sudden and intensely urgent need to urinate, often followed by a loss of bladder control.
Functional incontinence
Functional incontinence occurs due to an underlying mental or physical impairment that prevents you from reaching the bathroom in time.
Overflow incontinence
This form of incontinence is characterized by the frequent release of small amounts of urine, brought on by an inability to fully empty your bladder when you urinate.
All of these issues can be addressed with a customized treatment plan.
What causes incontinence?
Many different factors can contribute to incontinence. Some of the more common causes include:
- Alcohol consumption
- Certain foods and caffeinated beverages
- Urinary tract infection
- Pregnancy and childbirth
- Hysterectomy
- Neurological disorders
- Age
As you can see, some of these factors are within your control, while others are not. Understanding the cause of your incontinence can guide your treatment path.
How is incontinence treated?
Dr. Otero devises a customized treatment plan that aligns with your specific needs. Medication may play a role in your treatment. Some drugs work by calming an overactive bladder; others relax your bladder or rejuvenate tissues in your urethra and vaginal region.
Behavioral techniques are a powerful means of improving bladder control. Dr. Otero can teach you techniques to help you fully empty your bladder, training your bladder to withstand the urge to urinate or alter your daily schedule and habits to lessen urge incontinence.
Interventional therapies are another option. One procedure uses injections of bulking material to keep your urethra closed and prevent leakage. Another option uses BotoxⓇ injections to slow an overactive bladder. There are even implanted nerve stimulators that can help you gain control over your bladder.
Surgery is also an option and can help by supporting your urethra and bladder neck, as well as correct abnormal bladder positioning. Surgery is generally reserved for cases in which less invasive measures are not effective.
To learn more about urinary incontinence, schedule a visit with Dr. Otero today. Online scheduling is available, or you are welcome to book your visit by phone.