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If You Have These Menopause Symptoms, You Don’t Have to Suffer Any Longer

Menopause has always been that thing that your older relatives dealt with or you heard about vaguely in the company of women. Now, you’re making the transition through menopause and you’re realizing just how impactful this journey can be, on all areas of your wellness.

Each year in the United States, about 1.3 million women enter menopause — the average age is 51 — and encounter a wide range of symptoms, many of which can have a serious impact on your quality of life.

Since World Menopause Day falls on October 18, the team here at Women’s Clinic of the Rio Grande Valley, under the expert guidance of Dr. Fernando Otero, wants to focus on menopause and the many options we have to combat the following common, unwanted symptoms.

Hot flashes and night sweats

One of the biggest complaints are vasomotor symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats, which affect about three-quarters of women as they transition through menopause. For approximately 80% of these women, these symptoms last two years or less.

Some women struggle with these extreme heat-ups for many years, and they can become more than just a hassle if they disrupt sleep and your ability to function.

To combat vasomotor symptoms, we offer hormone replacement therapy or prescription medications that can turn down the heat on hot flashes.

Sexual health issues

Another area of your health that can really take a hit is your sexual health. About half of women who transition through menopause develop vaginal dryness, as well as vaginal irritation and pain. As you might imagine, these new challenges can also affect your libido.

There are several ways to respond to this side effect, including hormone therapy and using more lubrication. It’s also a good idea to stay sexually active — a use-it-or-lose-it type of approach that can work well in maintaining vaginal health.

Urination issues

After menopause, more women are prone to pelvic organ prolapse, such as bladder prolapse, which can lead to urinary incontinence. In the early stages or as a preventive measure, we strongly recommend that you strengthen your pelvic floor through Kegel exercises as you transition through menopause.

Bone loss

Bone loss is a concern as women pass through menopause. Half of women will break a bone after the age of 50 thanks to osteoporosis and bone loss. 

Hormone replacement therapy can help offset bone loss, as can exercise and ensuring that you’re getting enough calcium and vitamin D.

Since no two women go through the same exact menopause journey, we like to sit down with each patient to review which menopause symptoms are having the most impact. From there, we can formulate a treatment plan that brings you relief and helps improve your quality of life.

For expert treatment for your menopause symptoms, please contact one of our offices in McAllen or Edinburg, Texas, to schedule an appointment.


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