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Am I a Good Candidate for Tubal Ligation?

Am I a Good Candidate for Tubal Ligation?

Each year in the United States, 600,000 women opt for tubal occlusion, or tubal ligation, to prevent pregnancy. There are several reasons why women choose sterilization, which include not wanting to deal with the hassle of birth control or having a medical condition that makes pregnancy dangerous.

If you want to explore whether a tubal ligation is right for you, Dr. Fernando Otero and the highly skilled team here at Women’s Clinic of the Rio Grande Valley present the following information about this minimally invasive gynecologic procedure.

What happens during a tubal ligation

A tubal ligation is considered a sterilization process that puts an end to your ability to get pregnant. The tubes we’re referring to are your fallopian tubes, which are passageways through which sperm travels to meet your egg.

The term ligation refers to “tying off,” which is what we do to your fallopian tubes to prevent sperm from reaching and fertilizing your eggs.

We perform this procedure using the most advanced and minimally invasive techniques available, including laparoscopy. In fact, in most cases, we perform tubal ligations on an outpatient basis.

Good candidates for tubal ligation

There are several reasons why women opt for a tubal ligation. As an example, perhaps you’re absolutely sure you don’t want to have children and you’re not keen on keeping up with birth control. A tubal ligation is a one-and-done procedure which effectively puts an end to your ability to conceive.

Another reason why women come to us for a tubal ligation is when they have a health issue that makes getting pregnant potentially dangerous for themselves or for the unborn child. For example, you may have a cardiovascular issue, kidney disease, diabetes, or another chronic condition.

Ultimately, your reasons are your own, and we’re here to help guide and advise you on whether laparoscopic sterilization is appropriate for your situation, health, and goals. 

Life after a tubal ligation

When we perform a tubal ligation, we’re simply cutting off the avenue through which sperm can meet your eggs. It’s worth noting that after this procedure everything will function normally and you’ll still get your periods until you pass through menopause.

It’s also worth noting that, should your circumstances change and you do want to get pregnant, reversing a tubal ligation is tricky. You may need to consider alternatives, such as in vitro fertilization.

If you have more questions about the tubal ligation procedure and whether it’s a viable option for your goals, please contact one of our offices in McAllen or Edinburg, Texas, to schedule a consultation.

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